Thursday, December 1, 2011

how to set up a christmas tree

Welcome to December, people! Our Christmas tree is up.
If you're new to this, here are the basic steps for Christmas tree set-up:

1. Go to Produce Junction.
2. Don't hyperventilate when you see the prices. (I thought this was a discount place....?)
3. Get over it. It's just money.
4. Let your wife make the selection.
5. Practice your Spanish with the guy wrapping it up for you.
6. Give him a tip. Like, "Don't forget your umbrella." (Or a few bucks, whatever.)
7. Play "The Quiet Game" in the car on the way home.
8. If you get a flat tire, don't send Ralphie out to help change it.

And most importantly....
9. Assemble the people you love the most in all the world and have fun kicking off a great holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. Love this!
    We here have a different approach....
    1.) go to the closet and pull out the dissembled Christmas tree. (Bud won't hear of getting a real tree.)
    2.) Take a trip to G-boys and pick out new ornaments for this year.
    3.)Then, enjoy the fight with the tree trying to get it assembled. LOL

    This tree will be 21 years old this year. (5 days after Bud.) He insists we put it up every year! Complete with the original bells.
