Friday, October 14, 2011

God on Caffeine

I believe in a powerful God who created the universe! And I think at times he let his creativity run wild. The Lion-fish is a great example. When I see a lion-fish I almost laugh out loud, and ask, "What was God thinking when he designed this little guy?!" I conclude that  God probably had too much caffeine that particular morning!

I enjoy our family's occasional trips to Adventure Aquarium in Camden, NJ. To me, God's great creative genius is seen in so much of what lurks in the sea, beneath the surface. I have a scuba-diver friend who spends every spare minute below the water surface. I know he would agree with me.

Where do you most enjoy seeing God's great creative genius?

1 comment:

  1. Don, You should have been in our Sunday School today. You would have loved it. We were studying I Cor. 10:31. And the pastor said now, we are just munching on danish, and Coffee. So we are to be drinking our coffee/caffeine to the Glory of God!
