Wednesday, November 9, 2011

kids, part 2

I continue today with my mini-series on raising children. My kids are still young, and haven't entered their rebellious years. So at least for now, I'm still an expert.
I've distilled my child-rearing philosophy down to three, two-word phrases. Today's phrase: Stay Together.
By which I mean Dad and Mom, husband and wife, in love, committed to each other, we're in this together.

There are a lot of single parents these days, and of course, one loving parent is way better than none at all. But from day one, the ideal set-up has been, and continues to be, a mom and a dad together. It's just better for the kids. There's a stability there, a security, an environment in which they can grow and thrive. Plus, I know I couldn't do this child-raising thing by myself!

Nancy is my best gift! I think I'll keep her.

Click HERE for kids, part 1.     kids, part 3...coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. Good words my son! And no wonder God hates divorce so much; it destroys families!
