Thursday, November 3, 2011

how I spend my time

Well, for starters, I'm not seeing a whole lot of this:
Over the last two weeks I have tracked my activities, 168 hours a week, for two weeks. I've tracked it on a one-page spreadsheet. Here are some things I've observed:
  • Church/Work activities average just over 40 hours per week. That feels about right.
  • Sleep averaged about 7 and 1/2 hours per night, but that's not entirely accurate, for some of that time is spent reading, listening to a crying baby, or helping Nancy deal with the Raccoon attacking her chickens in the backyard.
  • Other than a little bit of soccer with my boys, exercise isn't happening. Not good.
  • David's baseball games take up a lot of time! 10 and 1/2 hours in one week. (Of course, it was the last week of the season, and they were cramming in a lot of make-up games.) 
  • I am not spending enough time practicing the guitar. An hour or two per week. Not good enough.
  • Selling on ebay takes between 5 and 10 hours between listing, packing and shipping. Almost could consider that like a part-time job.
  • Time at home is hard to track because so much of it is devoted to childcare, clean-up, folding laundry, giving baths, and all of those kinds of chores. A lot of time goes to that sort of stuff.
  • One incredible "time bonus" for me is that I spend almost no time commuting to and from work. That's not the case for most people. (Don't be jealous.)

Well, now I must sort through all this and strategize ways to maximize my time.

And most importantly, figure out how to get more Flyers games into my schedule.

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