"I am in excellent physical condition!" I proudly announced this on January 1st after my initial workout on the new treadmill. Nancy was not convinced. "It may take more than just one workout," she replied. "Nonsense!" I declared. "When a person goes from virtually no physical exercise to any exercise at all, his first workout instantly puts him way closer to perfect physical condition than before he started."
So I stand by my original statement: I am in perfect physical condition. I'm not bragging. I'm just telling you how it is.
I was able to workout on the treadmill 10 times during the month of January, once every three days on average. Not bad. That averages out to $20 bucks per workout, since I paid $200.00 for the unit. Each successive workout will cost me less and less! And that doesn't even count the usage that Nancy has gotten out of it, or the many, many friends who now frequent our place just to use our treadmill. (Okay, one friend has come over....and that was mainly because she enjoys chatting with Nancy.)
By the way, don't let me ever catch you buying a brand new treadmill. There is absolutely no reason anyone should ever have to pay full price for a treadmill. Do what I did: Craig's list! Do you have any idea how many well-intentioned people are out there with treadmills they purchased brand new and then only used them a handful of times? I'll answer that for you: A lot! And that goes for Rollerblades too! The average american garage or basement has at least one pair of Rollerblades that have only seen the light of day once or twice. Buy your treadmills and Rollerblades on Craigslist, or ebay, or your local garage sale. Thank you.
Seriously, getting back to my original point, it feels good to have an exercise routine going again. I am way closer to excellent physical condition than I have been at any time in last several years. And that illustrates my theory that it is never too late to take a step in the right direction... even if those steps are on a treadmill.
I remember Nancy used to call them coat hangers!