Thursday, October 20, 2011

good intentions, but no results

I was determined! I was going to maintain my guitar repertoire, practice everyday, keep improving. Nothing would deter me. Nothing would get in my way!

That lasted what, a week, maybe? Without some external accountability, my best intentions were not enough.

Enter stage right: The NJ School of Music. Yep, that's what I needed. Shelling out real money, and having to show up weekly to demonstrate what I've practiced, well now, that was the outside accountability that I needed to reach my goals. That, plus the instruction and encouragement of my teacher, Matt Sutin, a guy just as passionate about the guitar as I am. Maybe more.

The Lesson: An accountability system turns dreams into reality. But without that system in place, good intentions do not get us where we want to go.

Where do you want to go?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Don, When's the next recital?????

    I would love to "go" learn/memorize II Sam. 22.
    BTW, Love the picture!
